What we do
We run Transformation Training Center, a 3 month residential leadership training: Music, Leadership, Sports, Computer classes. Bilingual classes start 2026. Contact us for more information!
Additionally, we support Mercy Ministry through Orphan care.
Our Impact
60 Students Trained at TTC
45 Orphans Cared
800 Youth Impacted
It starts with the heart
We are seeing young lives transformed as we nurture the next generation’s heart! From the heart flow all the issues of life. We see the impact King David had on his nation even from his youth. God is calling out a generation of young giant slayers and holy worshippers, firmly rooted in the Word to establish His kingdom here!
Core Values
Holy Lifestyle
We train students in the discipline of holy living and worship as a lifestyle. As the students gain a deeper understanding of the Father’s heart, we cultivate a new level of intimacy in worship. We inspire hunger as well as knowledge to worship God in spirit and truth and be the worshipper God has destined them to be!
Knowing your spiritual gifts is important to being the body of Christ and functioning as the pure Church to a lost and broken world. We focus on strengthening the students spiritual gifts and natural skills to further God’s kingdom.
The Word of God is the plumb line of our life. To know God, one needs to know His Word. Our lectures and trainings are based on solid biblical truths which build the students life and faith on a firm foundation. Students and youth are learning to take Joshua 1:8 seriously and meditate on God’s Word day and night and do everything written in it.
Our discipleship school consists of 2 1/2 months of lectures in a classroom setting and a two-week outreach. The students go on a village outreach or volunteer at a youth camp for school age kids. This is a great opportunity for them to put all the knowledge they have learned into practice.
Romans 12:1
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Become a ‘Heart after God Champion’
Get Involved…
We are looking for a passionate group of people who would like to be involved!
There are vast opportunities depending on your skills, talents and passions. Come visit our Transformation Training Center (TTC) where we hold a 3 month training twice a year! Use your talents and resources to bless TTC, or intern at one of our youth camps!
Support 70% of a student’s food, housing and admin fee for $200 a month.
Transformation Training Center
Our training center is a place where young adults (18 -28 years old) are trained and transformed to make a positive difference in their communities!
Apply to Come today!
Come join us in S. Asia for an adventure of your life. Attend our 3 month Training or come serve on a short term mission trip!
Make a Donation
Sow into our work here. Support a student, a training, or an orphan for $200, $100, or $50 a month.
Prayer Changes things…
Acts 12 shares the story about Peter locked in prison BUT earnest prayer for him was made to God (Acts 12:5). God answered their prayers by sending an angel to release him from prison!
Join our prayer movement by dedicating one day a month to pray and fast for a generation to have a heart after God. Contact us for more information and prayer points to pray.